The Revenue Growth Framework

Enterprise and Mid-market buying happens differently than in SMBs,

B2B SaaS companies pushing up to acquire deals in the mid-market and enterprise($20k or above deal size) often find themselves stuck with an inconsistent flow of opportunities created by siloed efforts run by the sales, marketing, and founding teams,

Cause in the Enterprise,

  1. Buying becomes complex among multiple stakeholders
  2. It becomes hard to create enough buying intent to open a deal
  3. Standing apart from Competitors becomes harder

Most teams direct right away towards,

  1. ❗Buying data and data enrichment tools
  2. ❗Buying expensive tech that ‘claim to do ABM’
  3. ❗Introducing new ad campaigns and marketing channels

The revenue growth framework is a method to create, streamline and optimize b2b marketing campaigns for conversions of target accounts.

The Revenue Growth Framework

We have developed a comprehensive framework to plan, execute and iterate on B2B Marketing Campaigns. It is tied to the principles and vision of b2b marketing we have talked about so far.

The framework lists five essential steps,

  1. 🎯 Defining Target Account Tiers
  2. 🎯 Empathize and Align with Sales Challenges
  3. 🎯 Identify and Optimize Buying Journeys
  4. 🎯 Product Positioning Strategy
  5. 🎯 Personalized campaigns to buyers of each Tier/Customer Segment

This results in campaigns that generate qualified mid-market and enterprise opportunities and enable the sales teams to have higher quota/revenue hits with a sustainable revenue pipeline.

Step 1- Defining Target Account Tiers

Tiering your target accounts/companies is the most critical step, cause the campaigns you target an account with depend on their tier or priority.

To prioritize accounts into tiers look at your,

  1. Highest paying customers(higher ACV)
  2. Fastest Converting customers
  3. Customers with longer lifetime

For these accounts, analyze the,

  1. Industries they belong to
  2. Company size, team structure they follow
  3. Their pains and use cases
  4. Stakeholders and decision-making process

Then, divide them into Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3 accounts, based on what category of accounts comes out as more ideal from the above analysis.

Step 2- Empathize and align with Sales Challenges

Conducting Sales Interviews while building your ABM strategy is extremely important in the Revenue Growth framework.

  1. Ask them about their biggest Challenges by the deal stage
  2. Analyze discovery calls
  3. Align with them on Target Account Definition and campaigns
  4. Find out what they need in enablement from marketing

Step-3 Identify and Optimize Buying Journeys

Analyze 10-15 closed won, closed lost, inside negotiation, and halted deals and find out,

  • 📝 What made them interested?
  • 📝 Key stakeholders at each stage of buying
  • 📝 Key aspirations of stakeholders
  • 📝 Objections at each stage of buying

Step 4- Product Positioning Strategy

Product positioning is one of the most fundamental components, without which any campaigns that you run would be sub-optimal.

Emphasize making clear collaterals,

  1. Core benefits of each solution/use case
  2. Core pains that each solution/use case proposes to solve
  3. Triggers to buy for each solution/use case
  4. The transformation you are making in their day-to-day workflow

Step 5- Personalized campaigns to buyers of Each Tier

The stand out of The Revenue Growth Framework is personalization, which honestly makes any account-based marketing campaign optimal.

Personalization in ABM Campaigns occurs based on,

  1. Industry
  2. Team structure
  3. Stakeholder type
  4. Tier type
  5. Intent data from CRM or prior account’s marketing/sales interactions

Final Words

The Revenue Growth Framework has been delivering a qualified sales pipeline for our clients selling to the mid-market and enterprise sustainably with minimum complexity and costs.

We have built some amazing processes and playbooks to work alongside our clients, you can read more about what we do in our content hub section or can schedule a call with us if want to onboard these campaigns for your sales and marketing team.

Schedule a Strategy Call!

Let’s have a chat to discuss synergies, in the call we are going to:

  • Collect Context about your business and ICP
  • Discover core Growth Levers
  • Find out the ideal Next Steps

Schedule a Strategy Call!

Let’s have a chat to discuss synergies, in the call we are going to:

  • Collect Context about your business and ICP
  • Discover core Growth Levers
  • Building out the Roadmap of the Ideal Next Steps

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